USC and UCW Sign a MOU in order to promote mutual international scientific and research collaborations

University of Science and Culture, in line with its core values and strategy in developing international cooperation with the scientific and research institutions, signed a MOU with UCW
University of Science and Culture, in line with its core values and strategy in developing international cooperation with the scientific and research institutions, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with University Canada West (UCW). The main themes of this joint memorandum are as follows:
- Exchange of students for study;
- Exchange of faculty members for study, research, and participation in educational programs;
- Exchange of scholars for lectures, talks and sharing of experiences;
- Exchange of publications in fields of interest to both universities;
- Collaborative professional development;
- Joint educational programs;
- Articulation and pathway progression opportunities;
- Other activities as mutually agreed
According to the report of the International College of the University of Science and Culture, in order to achieve the targets of this memorandum, the articulation programs in various fields and all levels, with high international reputation, will be run soon.
further information will be provided