University of Science and Culture, the most innovative Iranian University in 2022 based on SCIMAGO ranking

According to the latest edition of SCImago’s ranking system, The University of Science and Culture (affiliated with ACECR) ranked Iran’s most innovative University for the third year in a row.
According to the latest edition of SCImago’s ranking system, The University of Science and Culture (affiliated with ACECR) ranked Iran’s most innovative University for the third year in a row.
INTUSC, In the latest edition of Spain’s ranking system, USC was ranked the Number one Iranian innovative university for the third year in a row.
In the last edition of 2022, the University of Science and Culture has risen from 27th in the scope country to 22nd while maintaining its 653rd place in the world.
Moreover, the University of Science and Culture ranked 357th in the world in research and 248th in the social category.
The University of Tehran ranked 216th in research, 383rd in innovation, and 196th in the social category.
SCImago also evaluates the world’s institutions and universities from a thematic point of view.