Advantages of the University of Science and Culture

Cooperation with ACECR Research Institutes and Centers
National Park of Sciences, Soft Technologies, and Cultural Industries
Specialized Training Center
Institute for Sustainable Development of Tourism
Sinapress News Agency
Foundation for Business

• Creating student assemblies of entrepreneurship and creating knowledge-based employment in affiliated centers

As soon as they enter students of the University of Science and Culture enter the university they can turn their ideas into projects and businesses under the supervision of specialized instructors and support of affiliated centers such as: National Park of Soft Sciences and Technologies and Cultural Industries, Business Development Foundation and the Institute for Sustainable Development of Science and Culture Tourism. In this way, not only the students of this university won’t be concerned about their job, but also will become specialized entrepreneurs in their field during their studies.

• National Park of Soft Science and Technologies and Cultural Industries, University of Science and Culture

National Park of Science and Soft Technologies and Cultural Industries, University of Science and Culture  is the only specialized park in the national area with a focus on culture, art and cultural industries. The park operates in the fields of arts, fashion and clothing, handicrafts and tourism, taking into account the existing needs, with the objective of vocational opportunities, this park has established branches in other cities. The National Park of Soft Sciences and Technologies and Cultural Industries is the most important platform for entrepreneurial activities of the students of this university.

Business Development Foundation of the University of Science and Culture

The Business Development Foundation of the University of Science and Culture has been established with the aim of creating an entrepreneurial platform and infrastructure for academic assemblies in this university, whose main purpose is to provide the possibility of internship and establishment of business centers with the cooperation of students and professors in various fields of the university. Getting matured enough, these centers would turn into creative and knowledge-based companies and will be based in the National Park of Soft Science and Technology and Cultural Industries. The first business emergency, tourism and entrepreneurship companies have been established in this foundation.

Specialized Training Center of the University of Science and Culture

The Specialized Training Center of the University of Science and Culture operates under the supervision of the Business Development Foundation with the objective of creating vocations, entrepreneurship, sharpening work force skills with the goal of training specialized and brilliant skilled work force. In addition to designing, compiling and running courses upon students requests and employers with the approach of meeting the needs of ministries, organizations and executive bodies (public and private), this center continuously assesses the needs at the community level and based on the existing needs, the applied-specialized courses are designed on the basis on current need analysis.

Sustainable Tourism Development Institute of Science and Culture

Sustainable Tourism Development Institute of Science and Culture operates as the first university tourism NGO with an entrepreneurial approach in various fields of tourism management and planning. So far, the institute has acquired valuable achievements in the fields of consulting, branding of tourist destinations, setting up specialized tourism applications and creation of new specialized businesses namely as adventure tourism, health and medicine. The institute acts as a specialized accelerator for the tourism startups of the students of this university.

SinaPress News Agency

Sinapress News Agency is the only specialized scientific news agency in the country, belonging to the University of Science and Culture, which operates with the objective of raising the awareness and knowledge level of the society about scientific and cultural developments in the country.

Providing a Distinct Quality Standard in Training Courses

The of scientific, cultural, research and entrepreneurial connection of the University of Science and Culture to jihad academic groups such as Royan Research Institute, Ibn-e-Sina Research Institute, Humanities Research Institute, Electrical Research Institute, Tourism Research Institute, Culture and Art Research Institute, etc. have raised the quality standards and course level presented at this university. So that the students of related faculties have the possibility of internship and holding classes in these complexes. Moreover, the researchers can also enjoy particular opportunities with the help of these unique scientific-research platforms.

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