Overview of the University of Science and Culture

he University of Science and Culture (affiliated to ACECR),by over three decades of educational, research, cultural and entrepreneurial experience, moves in line with the top-ranked global universities towards entrepreneurship and innovation with the aim of training and providing a part of the specialized forces needed by the society. USC attempts to play a more important role in modern education, employment, technological development, creation of social and cultural values and innovation in collaboration with specialized research institutes and centers as an entrepreneurial university.

University ranking based on SCImago Spain ranking

SCImgo ranking system is one of the newest and most comprehensive research ranking systems of universities and research-oriented institutions in the world, which was established by a research group of the same name at the University of Granada, Spain and evaluates the candidates based on articles and scientific resources of educational institutions in different countries in Scopus. Accordingly, the University of Science and Culture could have gained:

  • The first rank in innovation
  • The 22nd rank among Iranian universities
  • The 653rd rank in world universities
  • Education and postgraduate studies
  • University of Science and Culture has 100 fields of study in doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s programs.
  • PHD program in 8 majors
  • Graduated program in 59 majors
  • Undergraduate program in 33 majors
  • 800 faculty members and visiting professors
  • 9000 students in different educational levels
  • Admission of 42% of undergraduate students in master’s and doctoral programs in the top universities of the country
  • Presence of top international professors and researchers in the departments of the faculty


  • 13 cultural-specialized student publications
  • 10 individual sports teams in the disciplines (chess, badminton, darts, table tennis, swimming, taekwondo, judo, karate and wrestling)
  • Holding more than 100 skill-training workshops annually
  • 6 sports teams in the fields (basketball, futsal and volleyball) for girls and boys
  • Holding more than 20 student exhibitions yearly
  •  28 Student Scientific Associations
  •  14 student cultural and artistic centers

Research and technology

  • Winning the title of the top 1% of the world’s scientists in the field of computer science by faculty members according to WOS in 2021
  •  Publication of an average of 12 books by faculty members per year
  • Publication of an average of 62 scientific articles in prestigious national and international journals per year
  •  Publication of an average of 23 scientific articles in prestigious national and international conferences per year
  • Availability of 45,795 digital books in the university library and documentation center
  • Availability of 32,254 published books in the university library and documentation center
  • Increasing the impact factor (IF) of faculty members’ scientific articles from 1.8 to 4.4
  • Publication of 8 national and international scientific journals in the fields of:
  • Tourism and spirituality
  • new technologies rights
  • Tourism and leisure
  • Web research
  • visual arts knowledge
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